I'm really happy with my LCS, he was able to set aside an Archangel figure for me, which was the only figure in the Marvel Legends Hit Monkey wave I was really after. Since most of my toy budget is going to Mattel, I really can't afford to get any other toyline, and have to really "cherry pick" these Marvel figures.
The package art is pretty good, kinda reminds me of what they are doing with DC Infinite Earths subs, that is, having painted artwork on their packaging.
Without a doubt, this is the best rendition of Archangel so far! Hasbro has really step up in giving us better action figures, nice articulation, great paints!
Comparison with the old Toybiz Archangel. I'm trying to limit my figures to a certain era in comics, that's really one way for me to limit my purchase.
I also pick up Neo Classic Iron Man and Dr. Doom from the Epic Heroes wave earlier in the month. Originally I was going to pass on Iron Man, but at $10 it was just too cheap to pass up. Same with Dr. Doom, his paint is so much superior to the old FF "Ronan" wave Dr. Doom, but at $15, I went for it and I'm glad I did.
Here's Iron Man compared with a DCIE figure. He is quite small. I just wish he came with extra hands.